What's Happening Search Results

  1. 25 de Octubre de 2018 | news

    Investing in Wellness Pays Dividends

    Cherriots values the wellness of our employees and it pays off
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  2. 16 de Octubre de 2018 | news

    Cherriots Driver Trades His Bus for a Bike

    Driver Keith Spreadbury finds a great way to exercise between shifts
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  3. 2 de Octubre de 2018 | news

    Happy National Customer Service Week!

    We're celebrating our front line staff as they serve riders every day
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  4. 7 de Septiembre de 2018 | news

    The New Cherriots Website

    See what's new and help us make it better
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  5. 16 de Agosto de 2018 | news

    Exciting Service Changes Coming September 4

    Routes and schedules are being adjusted to better serve our riders
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  6. 2 de Mayo de 2018 | news

    Bus Advertising is Back!

    Find out how you can share your message with the community
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  7. 23 de Abril de 2018 | news

    It's My Ride

    Profiles of Cherriots Riders
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  8. 18 de Abril de 2018 | news

    Graphic Designer Makes Marketing Pop

    Team Cherriots is getting stronger every day
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  9. 10 de Abril de 2018 | news

    Cherriots Wins Competitive FTA Grant

    $2.5 million will be used to purchase new buses
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  10. 9 de Marzo de 2018 | news

    Transit Operator and Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day 2018

    Thanks for keeping us moving
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showing 10 posts per page