Jaél Rose
Chief Employee and Labor Relations Officer
Email: jael.rose@cherriots.org
As the Chief Employee and Labor Relations Officer, Jaél serves as a member of the executive leadership team and is responsible for leading human resources, labor relations, organizational development, benefits and compensation, industrial safety and risk, and reception. Additionally, she directs and coordinates the Cherriots Equal Employment Opportunity Program, leads internal employee investigations, prepares and manages the Human Resources Division budget, creates processes and programs to improve overall employee performance and productivity, and ensures that Cherriots is in compliance with all local, state, and federal employment laws.
Jaél has more than 15 years of experience in human resources, employee health and safety, and culture building and branding, primarily in the manufacturing industry. Before joining the team at Cherriots in October 2023, she was director of human resources at DWFritz Automation. Her diverse experience in human resources includes employee relations, talent management, talent acquisition, compliance, workplace safety, risk mitigation, diversity and inclusion, employee recognition, benefits negotiation, and training and development.
Jaél holds a bachelor’s degree in world languages from Portland State University. She is a Senior Professional in Human Resources and received her certification from the Human Resources Certification Institute.