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Cherriots Driver Trades His Bus for a Bike

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Driver Keith Spreadbury finds a great way to exercise between shifts

When new bus driver Keith Spreadbury learned that Cherriots offers employees bike lockers at the Downtown Transit Center, he dragged his bike out of the back corner of his garage, aired up the tires, and started a new routine. Keith takes advantage of his split shifts to get some exercise and fresh air. He keeps his bike in a bike locker downtown and gets an adventure in before beginning the second half of his shift. He often rides his bike through beautiful downtown Salem and over the Union Street Railroad Bridge to his gym for a workout. Sometimes he just cruises to the park to play some Frisbee golf. He finds himself planning his workday around his bike rides and says it’s one of the things that gets him excited to come to work. Not only have these daily rides helped Keith get in great shape, but he believes riding a bike has made him more aware as a bus driver. His afternoon bike excursions have added a new dimension to not only his workday, but his overall well-being.

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