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Cherriots transit board commits to taking action on racial equity

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Board President Davidson forms a committee to address diversity, equity, and inclusion

During the monthly meeting on June 25, 2020, the Cherriots Board of Directors further solidified its commitment to achieve racial equity, community unity, and tolerance.

“As leaders in this community, we have a responsibility to speak out, to act, and to be visible,” said Board President Ian Davidson. “We have to ensure that everyone has access to our transportation services and that the citizens in our community feel safe and welcome every time they ride in one of our vehicles or visit any of our properties.”

The board approved the general manager’s/CEO annual work plan, which includes development of a plan to address diversity, equity, and inclusion.

To accelerate its implementation, Davidson called for the formation of a dedicated committee and asked fellow Board Director Chi Nguyen to lead the committee.

 “We will approach this effort with great humility, compassion, and understanding,” said Nguyen. “Anyone can speak in the moment, but without strategic, deliverable actions, the plan exists only on paper. Turning words into action is the only way to drive change.”

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