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New State Funding Means Better Cherriots Service for You

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House Bill 2017 will fund enhanced service

Last week, Governor Kate Brown signed Oregon House Bill 2017. The legislation provides a dedicated source of state funding for transit districts across Oregon.

HB 2017 could bring $7 million in the first year to support transit in Marion and Polk counties, as well as some regional service to smaller cities in Marion and Polk counties.

The infusion of state funds could help Cherriots restore services lost to budget cuts in 2009. But it will take at least 17 months before any proposed improvements, such as the return of Saturday bus service in Salem, can be implemented.

HB 2017 establishes the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund, with revenue coming from a 0.01 percent payroll tax paid by employees in Oregon.

In July 2018, the Oregon Department of Revenue will begin collecting revenues for the transportation fund. In January 2019, Cherriots expects to receive the first disbursement of funds.

In the meantime, Cherriots wants to hear from its customers. The transit district is seeking comments on proposed service improvements, such as weekend bus service and later operating hours.

Cherriots will hold public outreach events and will post information about these events on its website. Cherriots customers can also voice their comments and concerns via Cherriots social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter and on our page for A Better Cherriots when surveys are open.

Cherriots thanks its customers for their patience, as it plans to build a stronger regional transportation system for mid-Willamette Valley residents.

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