What's Happening Search Results

  1. July 3, 2019 | news

    Bike share is now available in Salem

    Ride Salem – explore, commute, have fun!
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  2. July 3, 2019 | news

    SMART Transit celebrates 30 years with two electric buses

    Cherriots partner SMART is looking toward a more sustainable future
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  3. June 10, 2019 | news

    Cherriots Shop and Ride Service Change

    We're making some small changes to make the service better for our riders
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  4. June 10, 2019 | news

    Cambios del Servicio para Cherriots Shop and Ride

    Estamos haciendo cambios menores para mejorar el servicio para nuestros pasajeros
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  5. June 6, 2019 | news

    Race Cars and Buses, Best of Both Worlds

    Staff profile of Jolynn Franke, planner I
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  6. March 28, 2019 | news

    Community partner recognizes Cherriots

    Garten Services provides great employees
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  7. March 5, 2019 | news

    Cherriots Recognizes Drivers and Maintenance Workers on March 18

    We honor their work in keeping us going and keeping us safe
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  8. March 5, 2019 | news

    Travel Training Assures Cherriots Customers are Easy Riders

    We offer lessons, training, and on-the-bus practice for all riders
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  9. Feb. 22, 2019 | news

    Transit Partners with ODOT

    The Oregon Department of Transportation helps in times of need
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  10. Feb. 19, 2019 | news

    Cherriots Wins Business Partner of the Year from South Salem Connect

    An honor from the SSC Community Partnership Team
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showing 10 posts per page