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Community Advisory Committee

Volunteer advisers to the Board of Directors on transit-related issues

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was established by the Salem Area Mass Transit District Board of Directors to act as an advisory committee on transportation- related issues of the District. The CAC actively advocates for and champions Cherriots services that align with the diverse needs of the Salem/Keizer community. The CAC may make recommendations to the Board on transportation policies, programs, and services provided by Cherriots, and performs other duties as assigned by the Board. 

The Board aims to appoint CAC members who embody diverse interests, perspectives, geographical locations, and population demographics within the area. The CAC consists of up to eleven voting members residing and/or working within the District's service area, who represent a cross-section of the Salem/Keizer community, ideally possessing one of the following qualifications:

• Paratransit user
• Recreational/bike/pedestrian advocate
• Social services agency representative
• Medical community/care provider
• Chambers of commerce/business economic development organization
• Major employer (over 100 employees)
• School district representative/educational community
• Ethnic community member
• At-large member
• Youth leader (between 16-24 years of age)

Explore meeting agendas and minutes, obtain details on upcoming meetings, and access current committee rosters by visiting the Public Meetings and Notice page.

Get Involved

Are you interested in public service and getting more involved with your community? Consider applying to be a member of the Salem Area Mass Transit District's Community Advisory Committee. 

Applicants must:
• Reside within the District's service area, which may include locations within the Urban Growth and cities and towns within Marion and Polk counties. 
• Have a familiarity with Cherriots services.
• Use Cherriots services periodically; however, transit dependency is not a requirememnt for CAC Membership.
• Be able to communicate knowledgeably about Cherriots in particular, and about public transit in general.
• Have the ability to advocate on behalf of public transit and promote Cherriots services.
Members of the CAC are typically appointed by the Board in December for a two year term, beginning in January. 

Please complete the application below. If you encounter any difficulty completing the application form below, kindly download it from this link, complete the required fields, and promptly return the form via email or mail to the contact provided on the application. 

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