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Public Meetings and Notices

Open meetings and public notices about Cherriots business

The regular business meetings of the Salem Area Mass Transit District Board of Directors take place at 5:30 p.m. every fourth Thursday of the month, except for the months of November and December. Board Work Sessions are held at 5:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month with the exception of December. Always check the calendar above for the latest information.

Attendance Options

In-Person: Senator Hearing Room at Courthouse Square, 555 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301
Zoom Gov: See the agenda for login information.
Comcast Channel 21
Live Stream:
• CC Media also provides an archive of recorded board meetings on their YouTube channel:

Public Comment

At every regularly scheduled Board meeting, the public is offered an opportunity to speak or provide testimony in person or via Zoom. There is a sign-up sheet that is available at the start of the meeting for you to provide your name and city of residence. If you wish to give testimony via Zoom, contact the Clerk of the Board to make arrangements in advance of the meeting at 503-588-2424.


The Board ensures equal access to its meetings, in compliance with the ADA and Oregon Revised Statutes. All Board meetings are held in ADA-accessible locations. With a notice period of 48 hours, assistance is provided for those needing meeting materials in alternative formats, sign language interpretation, or other communication aids. Requests can be made to the Clerk of the Board by phone at 503-588-2424 or with the assistance of TTY: Oregon Relay Services at 1-800-735-2900 (or 711). Cherriots administration office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Special Board Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Board with at least 24 hours notice. An emergency meeting, which is a rare occurrence, may be called with less than 24 hours notice. The Board holds an annual planning meeting, which is open to the public at an offsite location.