Rider Safety at Cherriots
When you choose to ride Cherriots, our goal is to provide you with a safe, reliable ride where you want to go. We proactively do this by making a commitment to ensure a safe riding experience and environment for you, your family, and our employees.
Cherriots employs an Environmental, Health, and Safety professional, as well as many other trained employees who work diligently to keep a watchful eye over the entire system. Whether you're taking the Route 21 bus or waiting at Keizer Transit Center to ride Route 11, we want to ensure that your ride and your travel experience is a safe one.
At Cherriots we want every customer to know and follow a few simple steps when using our services. Some of this information may be simple, common sense advice for being safe and staying safe, but one of these tips could possibly end up saving your life or the life of someone close to you.